Ниже предоставлен СКРИНШОТ уникального доказательства того, что гугл ЖИВОЙ!!!!!!!!! И сука гневный!!!!!!!

Гугл ты лапочка
Я всегда оказываю в Сети публицистическую поддержку талантливым
творческим личностям, гугл ты лапочка которым без неё приходится не сладко…
Поддерживал я и инициативу Юрия Леонидовича по части создания группы
<<Свободная философия>>.
Только раньше мне это было делать проще, поскольку я понимал, что
именно он делает по уму, и легко находил аргументы для его апологии. А
сейчас я его уже не понимаю…
Более того, я не уверен в том, что он сам в полной мере отчётливо
осознаёт то, что фактически гугл ты лапочка делает. А уж его ученики и подавно…
С точки зрения привычных для меня критериев мировой новизны,
полезности и практической осуществимости я пока в упор не вижу того,
что можно было бы защитить на правах предполагаемого весомого вклада
в философию.
Но, может быть, это будет вклад в не в бесспорно философскую
Например, проблематика совместного жития сводного героя и несвободной
толпы в курсе ЖСТЛ ТРИЗ толком гугл ты лапочка не рассматривалась, а в философии М-Л
рассматривалась лишь ущербно – однобоко…
Своему прогрессу и выживанию человеческое общество обязано именно
свободным героическим личностям (вполне человеков), с подачи которых
он и происходил при любом строе и любой форме правления.
Очевидно, что для реализации своего призвания к служению этим
героическим личностям необходим некий духовный капитал. По уму
разработкой такой проблематики и гугл ты лапочка принятием жизненно важных решений по
итогам такой разработки общество обязано заниматься. Но ведь не
Может быть, именно в этом направлении сейчас собирается работать Юрий
Леонидович? Тогда эту позицию можно и нужно обеспечить
публицистической поддержкой. Она того стоит!

Matteo Lopez - the doodle 4 google 2011 winner

  • …Become a doctor with my own TV show.
  • …Invent rocket shoes that let you fly.
  • …Open a zoo for the world’s endangered animals.
Welcome to Doodle 4 Google, a competition where we invite K-12 students to use their artistic talents to think big and redesign Google’s homepage logo for millions to see. At Google, we believe that dreaming about future possibilities leads to tomorrow’s leaders and inventors, so this year we invited U.S. kids to exercise their creative imaginations around the theme, "What I’d like to do someday…" 

Whether students wanted to find a cure for cancer or take a trip to the moon, it all started with art supplies and some 8.5" x 11" paper. One lucky student artist, Matteo Lopez, has taken home a $15,000 college scholarship and $25,000 technology grant for his school. In addition, his artwork will appear on the Google.com homepage for millions to see. 

 Matteo Lopez
Te0chnology giant Google has announced the winner of the United States 2011 'Doodle 4 Google' competition. Seven-year-old Matteo Lopez of South San Francisco is the 2011 winner with his imaginative doodle, entitled "Space Life."
The theme of 2011 Doodle 4 Google contest was "What I'd like to do someday," and Matteo, who attends Monte Verde Elementary School, answered by painting his dream to "... become an astronaut and explore space life." Matteo’s doodle of the Google logo artfully depicts a trip to space, walking on the moon, and even making friends with aliens.

He was selected from the 40 finalists, who were picked out from more than 107,000 submissions. THW winner Matteo will receive a $15,000 college scholarship, a netbook computer and a $25,000 technology grant for his school. Moreover, Matteo's winning doodle is featured on United States Google search engine home page on Friday, May 20.

Google also selected three finalists: fourth grader Joseph Eugene Miller, who also selected a space theme; seventh grader Justas Varpucanskis, who depicted an underwater universe; and high school junior Hannah Newsom, who would like to be an illustrator. All three will receive a $5,000 college scholarship.

Doodle 4 Google is a competition where Google invite K-12 students to use their artistic talents to think big and redesign Google’s homepage logo for millions to see.

Bulgarian Education and Culture, and Slavonic Literature Day

In Bulgaria it is celebrated on 24 May and is known as the "Bulgarian Education and Culture, and Slavonic Literature Day" (Bulgarian: Ден на българската просвета и култура и на славянската писменост), a national holiday celebrating Bulgarian culture and literature as well as the alphabet. It is also known as "Alphabet, Culture, and Education Day" (Bulgarian: Ден на азбуката, културата и просвещението). SS Cyril and Methodius are patrons of the National Library of Bulgaria. A monument of them is present in front of the library. SS Cyril and Methodius are the most celebrated saints in the Bulgarian Orthodox church, and icons of two brothers can be found in every church.

Annie M.G. Schmidt's 100th Birthday

Anna Maria Geertruida "Annie" Schmidt (May 20, 1911 – May 21, 1995) was a prolific Dutch writer, especially cherished for her children's books—"the most versatile and most talented children's book author in the Netherlands." She is called the mother of the Dutch theatrical song and the queen of Dutch children's literature, praised for her "delicious Dutch idiom," and considered one of the greatest Dutch writers. An ultimate honour was extended to her posthumously, in 2007, when a group of Dutch historians compiled the "Canon of Dutch History" and included Schmidt, alongside national icons such as Vincent van Gogh and Anne Frank. [Read more on Wikipedia]

Emile Berliner's 160th Birthday

Emile Berliner (May 20, 1851 – August 3, 1929) was a German-born American inventor. He is best known for developing the disc record gramophone (phonograph in American English). He founded The Berliner Gramophone Company in 1895, The Gramophone Company in London, England, in 1897, Deutsche Grammophon in Hanover, Germany, in 1898 and Berliner Gram-o-phone Company of Canada in Montreal in 1899 (chartered in 1904). [Read more on Wikipedia]

Emile Berliner with disc record gramophone

2011 U.S. Doodle 4 Google winner

“Space Life” by seven-year-old Matteo Lopez of South San Francisco, Calif.

Nellie Melba's 150th Birthday

Dame Nellie Melba GBE (19 May 1861 – 23 February 1931), born Helen Porter Mitchell, was an Australian opera soprano. She became one of the most famous singers of the late Victorian Era and the early 20th century due to the purity of her lyrical voice and the brilliance of her technique. Melba was the first Australian to achieve international recognition as a classical musician. She and May Whitty were the first stage performers to be granted damehoods of the Order of the British Empire. [Read more on Wikipedia]

Portrait of Dame Nellie Melba GBE by Henry Walter Barnett